Joy Part 1: Foreboding Joy

This was originally written and sent out as an email but I wanted to drop it on the blog as I kick off 2025 handling some unfinished business.

Why is it that what we want scares us? Have you ever noticed that you will pray for something, get it, and then panic? The doubt and worry begin to rush in like a flood and now all of a sudden you are contemplating walking away from the very thing you prayed for. I want you to take some time and consider what invited the fear in. Is it a belief that you really can't have it, is it doubt that you can't maintain it, or is it worry that it will be taken away? What we believe bears fruit in our life and as we spend some time talking about Joy, I want to first acknowledge the ways that we experience foreboding. 


Oftentimes we reject the joy in our lives because of something called foreboding joy. I first heard about foreboding a few years ago and resonated deeply with the concept. Essentially it is when something good happens and we begin to fear the worst possible scenario happening because surely joy can't come without consequences. 


It can. 

Joy is a choice. A way of being. A method of believing and thriving. Joy is freedom and laughter, sadness wrapped with contentment, ambition, and peace. Hope. Most importantly joy is a fruit of the spirit and for joy to bloom, we have to trust the Holy Spirit, who lives inside us. 

Joy is more than we often imagine it to be and I want you to pause and consider ways you can embrace joy differently this week. Write it down somewhere because we will revisit this concept.


Click here for part 2: The Journey to Joy 

Brittney King