Girl… Thank you!

I be scared. A grammatical nightmare but the truth. Girl, my relationship with fear and vulnerability have been flipped on their head since my mom’s passing. Yet, y’all have stuck beside me, lol. In a world where social media allegedly determines success y’all remain consistent in supporting girls’ night and encouraging me to keep moving ahead. For that I am forever grateful and do not take your presence for granted.

The world is a crazy place and a truth that remains consistent is that we need each other. Conquering fear does not have to be done in isolation. So I’m standing 10 toes down on my commitment to building this community slowly, surely, and away from the ever present spotlight and pressure of today’s society.

I pray that you continue to join me and above all else I pray that your life is radically transformed to look more like Jesus every step of the way.


Frequently asked questions

What is Girls' Night?

  • Girls' Night is a monthly Friday night meet up for women. On this side of Genuine Flow, we are all about practically building community and studying God's word together. 

How can I get involved?

  • Subscribe to the Newsletter

    • Newsletters are sent out to inform you of updates, events, and a occasional message of encouragement.

  • Join the Monthly Friday Night Meet Up

    • We meet virtually once per month. The 2024 Girls’ Night calendar is posted above. Zoom links are sent out the week and day of events via email.

Is there a FEE?

  • There is no fee for any monthly meetings or Prayer Team Study