Peace Wk 4: Shift Your Focus

Things to note:

We started talking about Peter and his epic time off the boat a few weeks ago. Some of you might recall when I said this… Walking on that water had never been done before so it was new but storms? Sure this group of men had seen a storm before. Consistency can create a sense of normalcy and Peter lost his footing when what was normal grabbed his attention. Think about that for a moment. 

Have you had a life where storms have been normal? It seems as if every time you might get the chance to finally get ahead something comes to viciously pull you back. Your peace my friend is not in overcoming the storm. Your peace is in taking your eyes off of it. 

Per our friends at Google, perspective is defined as a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. How you perceive a thing develops the reality within which you function. Your belief system and your decision-making are merely fruits on a tree whose roots are deepened by how you perceive the world around you. Take your eyes off the storm so that you might have the opportunity to perceive something new and different. Experience the peace that has been quietly waiting for you to join in and let’s begin to grow a fruit called joy. It is my prayer that you have enjoyed this study on peace and that you will tune in for our next study on joy based on the scripture in Nehemiah 8:10, “for the joy of the Lord is our strength”.

Also, we are just a few days away from the Peace be Still workshop here in Memphis and the meditation for believers series drops this Monday. Peace is not around us, it is within us. Now may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (adapted from Philippians 4:7)

Brittney King